No. 6:: Sunday Owl Release; drinking mango iced tea and day dreaming

So once again, I was browsing along Etsy and found this amazing shop with some even more amazing rings! I messaged this wonderful seller and happened to score an interview and some brand new photos of some new rings she is about to release! Take a look friends and drool along with me at these gorgeous works of art!

Sunday Owl is owned by the lovely Lisa and operated out of the beautiful state of Hawaii. This shop is our featured number 6 on our Beautiful 10 Countdown!

::Top left:: This is where I weigh the wax models to prepare them for casting. I also weigh the 18k gold casting grain. The gold grain sits in a little owl dish which I purchased from a lovely Etsy shop named One Clay Bead.

:: Top right:: Some of the new rings you can find from Sunday Owl

::Bottom::  Me, my tool cabinet and my equipment (hiding behind the curtain). My dad and I made the tool cabinet that I am standing next to from recycled found items around his house. It is a little wonky and crooked, but I just love it. The clay pottery on top of the cabinet is from another Etsy shop Darrielles Clay Art.

How did you get started making jewelry?

It was quite a journey. I went to art school in NYC, graduated with a fashion degree and worked in that industry for a little while. It was time for a big change, packed my bags and headed back to Hawaii where I am originally from. I knew that I wanted to try something different and I had always wanted to be a sculptor, but what would I sculpt? I absolutely love rings and rustic vintage items. I am not sure how, but this lead to me to lost wax casting. I read everything I could find on this subject and was fascinated with the history behind it. I decided that this was for me and signed up for a casting class at our academy of arts. I was in love with this process. I love the imperfections and unpredictability of torch casting. I’m that girl who loves included stones and porosity on gold, they’re so much more interesting to me.


What in your everyday life inspires you? 
Simplicity. The world seems to be going a little too fast for me. I love all the simple things. Birds, stars, the moon, my rusted vintage schwinn and earthy colors. Old things. I imagine where they were, the places they’ve been, the people who have come in contact with them. Imperfections.


Are there any trends now that you personally love for your own wardrobe?
Jumpsuits. They remind me of my childhood. I wore a military green one with printed little flowers, gathered cap sleeves and a long zipper up the front to my first day of kindergarten. My mom let me pick out the fabric and she sewed it for me, I just loved it. I wonder what happened to my sweet jumpsuit.

//lulu:: kate :: kaori// (kaori not yet listed)

If you had 1 million dollars, what would you spend it on? 

I would have a little fun, travel and help my family. I also have many organizations I love, but three are very special to me. I love our Hawaiian Humane society for animals and the ASPCA. I just adore my animals. Heifer International is everything I believe in. Their philosophy is one that I was raised with,“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; you have fed him for a lifetime.” Their idea is to help teach people to be self sufficient and to pass on the gift. When they are given a cow and it has a female baby, they pass it on to another family. I think this is absolutely amazing. My dad says it doesn’t matter if you only have a little to give as a lot of littles from many people add up to whole lot.


What is your favorite spot/place/city in the world?
My favorite places constantly change. I love dirt roads, sandy beaches, trees, mountains and most of all water. Anywhere in the middle of nature. I love twinkling stars and the ocean in the evenings, it’s so magical.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I am not too much of a planner, I sort of go and see where it leads me. I hope to be happy, healthy and become a little more of a free spirit each day. I’ll be drinking mango iced tea and daydreaming.

Number 5 up next!

❤ Amy